Join us from 12:30–4 pm for our Open House! Mike Awckland will be speaking and our store will be open for purchases.
1–2 pm • "My Bees Made it Through Winter – Now What?"
2:30–3:30 pm • "I Got My Bee Package/Nuc – Now What?"


We're glad you're here.

Hive Kits

Check out our selection of 5, 8, and 10-frame hive kits, assembled and unassembled – all made in the USA.

Feeding Supplies

When you need to feed your bees you can count on our stock of Dadant winter and pollen patties, Hive Alive, Pro Sweet, fondant cakes and sugar.

Bee Clothing and Gear

We offer a variety of beekeeper clothing in adult and kids sizes including vented jackets, cover alls, and veils along with gloves and beekeeping tools.


We carry stainless steel Dadant 2, 4 and 6 frame extractors to buy or rent.